Forty Suns

Space Age 2.0: The current period of exploration + expansion of our capabilities and presence in space, including orbital, lunar, and the occupation of Mars.



You're living in a spacefaring civilization.


Sounds crazy, perhaps, and maybe you never thought of it that way, but that's your reality.


Ours too.


Depending on whether you've realized that yet or not, Forty Suns will be either an orientation or a springboard.


In both cases our goal is to raise awareness of Space Age 2.0.



Why You're Here


Not in the philosophical sense, though surely we each wonder that from time to time.


In the practical sense. Why are you here, on the Forty Suns site?


You clicked a link, you saw something, you heard something, you did a search.


We like to think you're here because you're among the curious.


You want to:

  1. Understand why space is important.
  2. Start paying closer attention to what's happening in space.
  3. Be part of a growing movement that's paying that attention.
  4. Read a fun book that explains everything you need to know about Space Age 2.0.
  5. Get a friendly, fast email once each week that breaks down the latest happs in all-things space.

To help with a few of those, we give you the following buttons:


Nothing Is Serious


Everything Is At Stake



When it comes to goals space is a big one. Possibly the biggest.


Space is hard.


Real hard.


Which may be what makes it perfect.


Space is a challenge beyond any single person, any single company, any single nation.


Meaning it will demand a concerted effort. The sheer scale of space makes it a true “new frontier”, offering us an opportunity to come together to find ways to solve it.


Conquering space means thinking in ways we've never thought before.


Something we humans happen to do well.


It’s been said every breakthrough was a crazy idea before it became a breakthrough.  Incremental improvements are good, even necessary, but to really advance we need a healthy dose of wild concepts.


Audacious ones.


It's the only way we make the big gains.


And it will take all of us.


A quote from one of the Wright brothers, first humans to fly (controlled flight, anyway; no doubt a few of us humans have flown via catapult or other means down through the ages), gives a nice encapsulation of that driving premise:


“If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance.”


In other words, to go big (or bigger) we have to think big.


Forty Suns is here to help turn our eyes toward that greater prize. 


When it comes to Space Age 2.0 we're out to:

  1. Raise the awareness of the widest number of people possible.
  2. Excite the world about the incredible advances to come.

The possibilities for our future are  as limitless as we imagine. The way we win is with wide, wide, wide attention to space.


There's never been a better time than now.


If a billion of us truly paid attention -- with interest -- to what's already going on in the pursuit of space (and there's a lot happening), a million of us might get active and get involved.


That would be a major difference-maker.


With such attention and such involvement, our extraplanetary future would quickly become real.


What's Our Ideal?


With any mission, objective, enterprise, goal, etc., it helps to name an ideal. What would be your best-case result? Your North Star?


For us, it would be every person in the world reading the Forty Suns book -- then keeping up on what's happening in space and, ultimately, actively supporting it.



What Do We Expect?


The first part of that "ideal" is already absurd.


No way is everyone in the world reading this book.


Still, it would be the ultimate objective. What's that old saying, Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars?


Our "grounded" reality, then, what we more likely expect, is that:

  • The book is read by, talked about, and even recommended by more and more people.
  • A general awareness of the Forty Suns brand and what it stands for slowly begins to reach a wider audience.
  • Those people in turn get more of us following the things happening in space.
  • Some of those new followers decide to get involved and take action in one of the many space-related fields.
  • A few in that group do something epic, something that moves the needle in a big way.

Thus everyone wins, very few of us lose (we're not sure how, but someone always loses, so let's just say it now), humanity advances, celebrations ensue.


Meantime, we keep reaching for the stars.



Okay. So you read to the bottom of this page. You're here.




We have to assume it's because you want to know more.


Forty Suns is bringing the world together toward a common survival goal.


Space, like anything, can become its own echo chamber, with its own, isolated groups of enthusiasts.


Those who get the importance of space often can't understand why those who don't ... don't.


Space may seem the most obvious thing, but for many it isn't.


We're out to fix that. We're out to see that everyone gets it.


A few points:

  • You're already part of a spacefaring civilization.
  • So far the "spacefaring" part is small.
  • It will continue to grow.
  • Now is as good a time as any to:
    • Pay closer attention.
    • Find ways to support that growth.

Let's see what we can accomplish together.


Space is the answer.



More About Forty Suns





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